Training Material, Services, & Benefits included in your course.
Comprehensive Up To Date Text
A clearly written, easily understandable step-by-step text that includes hundreds and hundreds of illustrations, real life examples and sample computations to bring to life the more commonly arising points. The text clearly explains and weaves together the tax laws, regulations, rulings and court decisions—teaching you their correct application in actual practice. Illuminating comments point out scores of practical tax-saving methods and ideas for every type of tax situation.
Self-Check Practice Problems with Worked Out Solutions
To give you the “touch” of the text, hundreds of practical working problems taken from actual “live” tax practice, drive home each point by letting you apply immediately what you have learned. The problems are hand-picked to help you not only acquire mastery of the principles developed in the text, but also train you in solving related tax problems. Such ability and resourcefulness is vital to the tax man who has his sights set high. The completely worked out solutions to each problem not only show you the correct method, but the method preferred by the experts.
Instruction, Examination and Grading Service
A series of comprehensive examinations—one after each section of the course—monitor your progress. Each examination is carefully reviewed, graded and, if necessary, criticized. Your efficient and courteous instructor will also gladly give you any additional help needed or desired.
IRS Examination Questions and Solutions
For the benefit of those students who wish to prepare for the Annual IRS Enrollment Examination, we provide a copy of two available Examinations with Solutions. Even those students who do not intend to take the examination will find the questions and answers valuable as a review aid and excellent opportunity for additional practice.
Graduation Certificate
This handsome, beautifully inscribed professional Tax Consultant’s Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of the last examination which completes the training program. It will serve as a fitting recognition of your achievements and will—when framed and displayed—truly grace your home or office.
Post-Graduate Services
Consultation and Advisory Service entitles you, for a one-year period following the date of your enrollment, to request at any time, consultation, expert advice and guidance on matters affecting the establishment and operation of your tax practice. Additionally, subject to availability of staff time, technical questions and problems relating to income tax law and procedures may be submitted to us for authoritative answers or referral to sources of additional information.
The Higher Course in Federal Taxation is Approved for CPE credis by the IRS